Playing With Bonbon Fire

Charity Penn is busy running the The Chocolate Box the chocolate shop that she inherited from her grandmother Mabel in the seaside town Camellia Beach, South Carolina. Bertie is still making the luscious bonbons for the shop, and Penn keep has hopes that she’ll be able make the bonbon's like Bertie. The beach side town is abuzz because it’s time for the Summer Solstice Beach Music Festival. Pop star Bixby Lewis is there as a favor to Penn’s half-sister, Tina. He’s being followed by a stalker who causes trouble while telling people they are an item. Tragedy strikes the music festivities when a singer for one of the bands performing at the festival dies in a bonfire. Penn finds herself trying to find who threw a rock through the front window, then who shot the same window, and finally who drove a car through the front of the shop, all while trying to create a bonbon for the festival and trying to find out what happened to Mabel's missing daughter who maybe her mother.
This was a nicely paced mystery with a couple of subplots that all come together very nicely at the end of the story. The mystery was has a few red herrings and several twists and turns to go through before the the true culprit is revealed. The characters seem to leap from the page by the way the author describes them and makes them so life like. I like how Penn seems to be growing and accepting the situations in her life. I also like that the author has opened up a possible relationship between Penn and Harley her friend and lawyer.